Stories posted here have been posted by list members of the 7H7C Adult list. These are not related to a birthday celebrations, but were posted in the spirit of sharing. All stories are listed by author. If you are a member and have a story to archive or link please contact the webmistress.
Broken Mugs and Making Up - ATF Chris/Vin
I'll Be Home For Christmas - ATF Chris/Vin
Merry Christmas, Mr. Tanner - ATF Chris/Vin
Midnight Meeting - Het (That's all the hint you're getting <g>)
The Office Party - ATF Chris/Vin
Close Encounters of Another Kind - OW Chris/Vin
The Cure - ATF Chris/Vin (New Year's Fic)
Down The Rabbit Hole - ATF Chris/Vin
Memories and Dreams - Part 1 - OW Chris/Vin
Memories and Dreams - Part 2 - OW Chris/Vin
A Naked Snow Angel's Revenge - ATF Chris/Vin (sequel to The Cure)
The Ride - ATF Chris/Vin (sequel to Discredited)
Twas the Night. . . - ATF Chris/Vin
Violations and Vows - OW Chris/Vin
Walk Like An. . . - ATF Chris/Vin
A Man's Gotta Do . . . - ATF Chris/Buck
Fields of Blue - OW Chris/Vin (slash version)
Memento Mori - ATF Chris/Vin (deals with events of 9/11)